We are delighted to announce that 100 percent of the School’s 2016 Seniors who applied for a tertiary education place to the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) have been offered places in the first round of offers.
67% of applicants received their first preference and 25% received their second preference, meaning 92% received their first or second tertiary education preference.
Degrees in the Health Sciences had the highest demand. Degrees in Law, Business, Criminology/Forensics and Architecture/Design were also popular fields of tertiary study for the 2016 Seniors.
This is a very satisfying result given the high percentage of students who were OP-eligible and it reflects the School’s focus on providing students with a holistic education, with an emphasis on academic achievement.
This result follows the 2016 Seniors pleasing academic results: 26% OP 1 to 5, 71% OP 1 to 10 and 96% OP 1 to 15; 12 students completed a Diploma of Business; and, 21 students completed vocational coursework and attained Certificates I, II, III or IV.
These confident well-educated young women have now completed the 124th chapter of the School’s history. We will look forward to hearing about the future successes of our newest Old Girls.