Notice of Withdrawal of Enrolment
Notice of a student’s withdrawal of enrolment from the School must be provided by completing the form below. The School cannot accept a verbal notice as an official notice of withdrawal. In accordance with the notification periods, the parent or guardian of the student needs to complete the Notice of Withdrawal Form below and submit it to the School.
One term’s notice period, by completing the below withdrawal form, is required if a student is to be withdrawn from the School or changes status from a Boarder to a Day student. If such notice is not given, a term’s Tuition fees will be charged in lieu of notice and is payable immediately.
Notice by the last day of Term 3, by completing the below withdrawal form, is required if a student is to be withdrawn from the School at the end of the year. If such notice is not given, but is given prior to the end of the year, being 31 December, one half-term of fees will be charged in lieu of notice and is payable immediately.
When withdrawal notice is received after 1 January for students not returning, one (1) full term’s Tuition fees will be payable immediately.
Withdrawing Student Details
Where both parents are listed on a Student Enrolment Contract, both parents MUST agree to the withdrawal notice to indicate mutual agreement of the termination of the Contract.