My Grammar

Discover Girls’ Grammar

Our website and prospectus provide a detailed overview of what Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School can offer your family. However, a visit to our beautiful, heritage-listed School campus enables you and your daughter to experience our School culture, community and discover, first-hand, what makes our School unique.

At Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School we warmly invite you to meet our exceptional staff and students while you consider what school will best meet your daughter’s needs. We offer Discovery Tours and our Grammar Girl for a Day will allow you and your daughter to experience our welcoming community and the special IGGS way of life.

Discovery Tours

Being our Discovery Tour guest allows you to view the School’s facilities, hear our stories and meet our Principal, students and staff. You will see our students in their learning environments and can ask any questions you may have. Numbers are limited to enable the best possible experience and bookings are essential.

Our 2025 tour dates are as follows:

  • Tuesday 13 May
  • Wednesday 6 August

Please complete the online registration form as places are limited.

Looking for Junior School? Visit our Ipswich Junior Grammar School website to see available dates and register.



Grammar Girl for a Day

Our special preview day invites your daughter to be our VIP guest in her future classroom for a school day. Your daughter will meet our IGGS girls and teachers, and experience our exceptional learning and vibrant School community. After the School has received your enrolment application, our Enrolments team can discuss suitable dates with you.


For enquiries regarding enrolments, Tour Mornings and future events, please contact our Enrolments Registrar on 07 3454 4447 or email: [email protected].