South East Asian Odyssey
During the recent school holidays, 28 students and three teachers went on a South East Asian Odyssey, organised by our Humanities Department.
The Odyssey included 17 days of travel throughout Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia, giving students an immersive experience with Asian customs, food, architecture, culture, religion, and nature. The group was taken on locally-guided tours with stand-out activities including a homestay on Cham Island, a visit to the Cambodian HIV/AIDS Education and Care project and a night spent in the jungle in Gunung Leuser National Park.
Ms Shillito, one of the organisers and accompanying teachers said the trip was eye-opening for the students, and potentially life-changing, “Overall the Humanities trip was an amazing experience for the students, who were all pushed out of their comfort zone. We called it the South East Asian Odyssey for a reason; it was an adventure, it was active and confronting.”